Sunflowers: the golden sun

Standing tall with its large round head and brilliant yellow color, the sunflower truly represents the golden sun. Sunflowers are known to symbolize loyalty, devotion and admiration because of their love and dedication to the sun. Also, they bring happiness to anyone’s day.  Its scientific name Helianthus literally translates to Helios- sun, Anthos- flower.

The daily orientation of the flower to the sun is a direct result of differential growth in the stem. A plant-growth regulator, or Auxin, accumulates on the shaded side of a plant when conditions of unequal light are present. This accumulation causes the darker side to grow at a faster rate than the sunlit side. Thus, the stem bends towards the sun. Sunflowers are very unique in the fact that their heads track the sun as it moves during the day.

The flowers will follow the movement of the sun through a process called Heliotropism. This makes their name an even better fit! Sunflowers produce seeds which can be used for many different things. Black seeds are used to make sunflower oil, bird seed and some pet foods. Striped seeds are used to make the snack many of us enjoy.

Do you wish you had more birds in your yard? Attract them with some beautiful sunflowers. Birds love them! Also, ancient Aztecs worshiped sunflowers and considered them to be a form of a Solar Deity. Recently they have developed a low pollen sunflower. This new variation is perfect for people who are allergic to pollen or have any problems with asthma. This variation is not only better for people with allergies but it has an extended life.


Native to North America, they have been used for centuries for their beauty and many other attributes. Sunflowers were used by early settlers for dye, food, medicine, building material and more. Dyes are made from the yellow petals and are used for many different tasks. Other than the traditional sunflower seed snack, they are also used to make Sunbutter. Sunbutter is a peanut butter substitute that is made from fresh sunflowers. Not only are they multifunctional flowers, they make a great gift or can easily illuminate your home décor. Stop by our store and pick up some fresh sunflowers to brighten up your summer!

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